
Stuck in judgemental language?
A language that doesn't show clearly what your problems and your wishes are?
Rosify is helps you to express your needs, feelings and wishes in a clearer and more compassionate way.

More great things are coming: Our Roadmap.

Share function

Allow users to copy any transformed statement to their clipboard or share an image featuring the before and after versions of the statement.

Twitter and Mastodon bot

Deploy a bot on Twitter and Mastodon that makes it easy for users to transform their tweets - since social media can often be a tricky place when it comes to constructive communication.

iPhone and Android app

Make transformations just one tap away.

Word of the day

Offer a "word of the week" feature to help users expand their vocabulary of needs and feelings.

More to come


What is this about? FAQs.

Why did you do this?

We developed...